Porn and Relationship – What are the Effects of Watching Porn?
When accessing any kind of adult film is not challenging, people are wondering whether porn and relationship can co-exist together. According to recent research, about 30 % of Americans regularly watch erotic movies. But experts mention that it may be risky for couples as porn and relationship is not always a great combination.
Why are Porn and Relationships Different?
Before, only men used to watch videos for adults. Today, women are also devoting some time to enjoying erotic films. Still, those who are in a relationship should be aware of related negative consequences. There are a few things that you’d better take into consideration to learn why porn and relationships are different. Here are the main red flags with porn and relationships.
Decreases self-confidence
Women and men watching porn and relationships, may deal with worsening self-esteem. Let’s look closer. When a person watches a porn movie, they start to compare themselves with people on the screen. A woman may think that her body is not attractive enough, or that she is not sporty to try the same poses. A man may think that his dick is not big enough or he kisses badly. These are just some examples of difficulties that may occur after regular watching porn. Simply put, it greatly decreases self-confidence, and as result, people stop accepting themselves as they are.
Builds unrealistic expectations
Porn and relationships studies prove that watching films for adults can create a wrong impression about intercourse. Most people forget that everything that happens on the screen, has nothing in common with reality. Professional writers and the entire team work hard to create a stunning picture that will later attract people with an interesting plot, impressive outfits, pleasant music, and dozens of other important details. As a result, fans build unrealistic expectations, set wrong goals, and get upset when sex in their real life is not similar to the one they saw on a big screen.
Weakens emotional closeness
Most people are sure that watching porn together with a partner is a great way to get closer. Still, experts are sure that this doesn’t always work out so. It is important to remember that sex can’t play a bounding role for two people. Yes, of course, it is significant, but some couples do overestimate its significance. It happens that physical attachment may negatively influence your relationship as well. In case you often watch porn, emotional closeness starts to disappear. You sty
Ruins trust
Do you know many people who tell their partners that they are watching porn? In fact, most adults are hiding this from their significant others. As a result, a lot of secrets are appearing in their life and relationships. Shame and lies go from all this secrecy that eventually ruins trust between people who have recently enjoyed each other for 100%. It is important to understand that having any kind of secret will be real damage to your romantic connection. Problems like big snowballs will enter your life and ruin everything that you have been building for so long.
Reduces satisfaction
Based on numerous porn and relationships statistics, it is possible to say that people who watch films for adults risk to be less satisfied when being with a partner. This is strongly connected with perfect images in their heads as watching and implementing the same scenes in real life are two different things. While most couples decide to spice up their sexual intercourse by watching suchlike content, it all works the opposite.Instead of getting unforgettable experience, they start to suffer from negative impact of porn on their connection.Thus, it is possible to say that erotic content places a serious threat for all couples who decide to spice up their routine this way.

Addicted to Porn and Relationships – What to Do?
First of all, you should remember that all people are different and every couple sets their own rules for a relationship. Something that is okay for one couple, is not acceptable for another one. That’s why some people do not see anything bad about porn and relationships and intimacy, while others are sure that it is harmful to their connection. If you fit exactly the second group, then here is what you can do to save the situation.
1. Get ready for a sincere conversation
Conversation has always been the most effective way to find important answers and make necessary conclusions. If you do care about your connection, then you should initiate a conversation once you notice some problems between you two. Mind that discussing this topic may be quite difficult. So low your expectations and get ready for any outcome. It would be helpful if you are direct and clear so that the partner understands you well and none of you are confused in the long run.
2. Avoid judging or accusing the partner
If you aim to save your connection and do everything possible to keep living your ordinary life, then be wise with the phrases you say. Judging, accusing, or threatening your significant other is not the best way to reach your goal. Partners should see that you accept them as they are, and trust them without any conditions. Only in this case your beloved can be frank and share their feelings openly.
3. Ask questions
Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as it is necessary to clarify everything at once.Find out your partner’s attitude to porn, whether they consider watching films like that normal while being in a relationship, or not. Discover whether your partner feels that something should be fixed in your connection or not. Make sure that you have discussed everything and nothing has left to hesitate about.
4. Make sure you come to some result
You can read dozens of porn and relationships scholarly articles and discuss them for hours. Still, this will not make any sense if you do not come to a certain result. Of course, you may take some time to think about everything all over again, but make sure that you both understand it well, and do not set any unnecessary expectations.
5. Consult a therapist
In case you can’t cope with the situation on your own even after long and sincere discussions, then it’s reasonable to approach a specialist. There is no doubt that many couples use the professional assistance of experts when they can’t overcome available difficulties on their own. So, remember that consulting a therapist is quite okay, and moreover, it can be your best decision ever.

Porn and Relationships Focus: Summing up
Porn content places definite risks for couples who watch such movies either together or separately. While some people aim to improve their intimacy by enjoying adult films, others report worsening in their closeness, both physical and emotional. It’s up to you to decide whether pornography should have a place in your life. The most important thing here is to ensure that both you and your partner feel okay about the decision you take. Otherwise, you risk losing harmony in your relationship.

Anna is into helping singles find love and couples enhance their connections. She has already assisted a lot of people in improving their self-esteem, building healthy relationships, and enhancing their level of life in general. With a vibrant online presence, Anna continues to share her wisdom through her popular blog and social media channels, where she offers tips, hosts Q&As, and keeps her audience informed about the latest trends in the dating world.