How to Cheat on Your Wife: 10 Effective Tips to Succeed
Did you know that almost half of marriages in the USA end up in a divorce? The reasons may be different, but cheating is one of the most popular ones. People cheat on their partners in different conditions. Some deceive by accident while being drunk, others make this step consiously. Anyway, cheating is bad and it crosses all moral laws. But if you decide to have fun with another woman, then you’d better find out how to cheat on your wife not to be caught in the long run. Ready? Let’s ask experts how to reach your goal successfully.
Choose the Right Name for Your Lover
What will happen if your spouse sees a message or a phone call from some mystery Alice, for example? Probably you will have to come up with an explanation, and in most cases you risk to fail. That’s why experts recommend to recall your lover with a name that doesn’t look very suspicious. Let it be some of your collegues/friends who has the same name. For instance, Annie from e-commerce department, etc. In this case, you will not have to answer any inconvenient questions, and will avoid disaster in your marriage. Just mind that a new name should not be equal to your relatives, or common friends. Your wife may take a phone to answer to your family members and then all secrets will be revealed.
Set a Secure Password
This is a basic step to do when you have what to hide from your wife. Think about a reliable password that your spouse can’t guess. In other words, you should avoid using common dates and names like a birthday of your kid, your mom’m name, etc. It would be great if your password contain both letters, numbers and special symbols. However, writing it down somewhere is not a good idea as well. Try to remember it and use without any prompts. Also, logg out from all devices and choose only one to chat with another woman. It would be easier to keep an eye on one gadget and prevent your wife from checking it.
Delete All Messages
It is not recommended to relax even with a reliable password. Stop being too romantic and remove all messages from your device. Your wife may see your texting and come up with inconvenient questions. So, you’d better decrease risks of being caught in this way, and delete messages once you read them. Unfortunately, some guys ignore this rule, and think that a good password may prevent a wife from getting into the phone. But do not forget how determined and smart most women are. It is not the best idea to risk your marriage.

Do not Store Photos with Another Woman
Do you like looking at your pictures with another woman? Great, but remember it is the right way to get into a trap. Your lady may see these photos by accident or intentionally. If you want to keep looking at common pictures, then you’d better add them to a secret folder or send to a cloud storage. But remember that even in this case, you risk to let your wife find out about cheating. That’s why deleting all pictures is the best decision for sure.
Save Your Cheating in a Secret
Some guys discuss a new romance with their friends or comrades. But are you sure that it is a good idea after all? If you need to share your new passion, then it is better to do it within a small group of people. Mind that even the most reliable friend may open your secret for your wife by accident. The best decision is to save your cheating in a secret. In this case only you will take a responsibility for the situation, thus the chances to save your marriage are higher.
Plan Your Day Wisely
How to cheat on your wife successfully? Think about your day attentively. Are there spare hours to see the woman you like and do not risk your marriage? Having the same schedule and following it will let you enjoy time with your lover, and keep your relationship warm. For example, you attend art classes or visit a gym. You can miss any of your extra clubs and arrange a meeting with your lover. Still, mind that it should be something that your wife knows a little about. In other words, if you attend a gym with common friends, then your spouse may find out that you have not been there from your friend. As a result, you will have to work out some explanation. It is better to choose activities that you are into on your own, and nobody can say that you missed them.

Avoid Too Complicated Explanations
Women have a great intuition and it is not a big surprise actually. Still, often men give them a clue by themselves. That’s why you’d better avoid telling too complicated explanations not to look suspicious. Come up with something simple to understand. Otherwise, you risk letting your spouse guess the truth. You know, the girls quickly understand what stands behind long explanations. So, do not risk and find something simple to answer her, and not be caught.
Listen to Your Wife Attentively
As it has been mentioned before, girls have fantastic intuition. Some of them decide to talk directly in case they suspect something wrong between you two. In case your wife also initiates a conversation to discuss your possible romance, it is better to listen to her attentively. Instead of saying that she is crazy and she wants to destroy your relationship, you need to keep calm and listen. Then you can add that you understand how she feels, that may be you devoted too little time to her the other days if she feels lonely and betrayed, etc. Such behavior will look less suspicious. Remind her about the good days you have together, recall all the happy moments and French kisses, and hug her strongly. After all, such a response to all her accusations will let you escape a potential fight.
Think about Plan B
Did you follow all above-mentined tips but still something went wrong? Don’t get upset and keep positive. A plan B may greatly help you, but only if you think about it in advance. Play different scenarios in your head, and look for ways out. For instance, your wife found a bill from a jewelry shop but didn’t get any gift from you. Say that you returned the item because found some drawbacks about it. Or, some of your common comrades saw how you entered a cafe with another woman. You may say that it was a family therapist who you approach to improve your marriage but decided to keep it in a secret at first. As you can see, the variations are numerous. You just need to think about possible difficulties and the ways to overcome them.
Leave if Necessary
If nothing has helped and you can see first negative consequences of your romance, then you should face the truth. Weigh all pros and cons, and decide whether you want to save your marriage or not. In case of a positive answer, you are recommended to finish your affair before it completely destroys your marriage. At first you may feel awkward, pity or depressed, but it is your price for saving relationship with your spouse. Do not regret about anything, and act in accordance with the decision that you have made before.

Summing – up
Cheating no matter why and how it happened is not okay for a healthy relationship. It means that you are not happy with your wife. You should clearly realize that earlier or later your spouse may find out about another woman, and as a result ask for a divorce. Be careful and mind related consequences. You can prevent them if you act wisely.

Moreno can easily become your personal dating guru! With a passion for helping individuals navigate the complexities of modern romance, Moreno has dedicated his life to empowering people to find love and fulfillment in their relationships. He knows how cope with dating anxiety, master the art of conversation, and build confidence. Thanks to expert’s articles, you will be able to start meaningful connections and discover lasting happiness. Unlocking your full potential in love and life has never been easier.